30 May 2023

Physiotherapy achieves terrific results for residents

Kenneth Moore-content-mobile_600x300-WEB.jpg

88-year-old Kenneth had a stroke last June 2022, was welcomed to Estia Health Tuncurry in August 2022 with right side Hemiplegia. Kenneth is a strong willed and dedicated person. The day he was assessed for mobility, Physiotherapist Neha started to work with Kenneth to improve his mobility and strength.

Kenneth initially started attending gym classes on site and his goal was to walk without assistance for 60-70 metres. After 12 weeks of Restorative therapy program, Kenneth was able to achieve his goals more than expected.

Today, Kenneth can walk for 100 meters without rest breaks with min/ no assistance. Now, we are together working on the hand function, so that Kenneth can perform his Activities of Daily Living with his dominant hand (right side).


80-year-old Carol was welcomed to Estia Health Tuncurry in August 2022 with the history of a stroke affecting her left lower limb more than left upper limb. Carol was welcomed initially as a palliative care and her mobility was full sling hoist to a fall out chair. Carol was really depressed and had lost the hope of walking. The Physio team worked hard to convince Carol to participate in the exercise program to restore her lower limb function and showed hope to get back to walking.

Carol says, “The Physio staff have all been very good. We started off that I could only take a few steps and now I’m walking down the corridor with my four-wheel walker on my own. Without them I don’t know where I would have been, so they have been very helpful”.

Carol initially started with the Physio to stand up. It was a tough road but not impossible. Then slowly taking steps with assistance and now Carol can walk with four-wheel walker without any assistance.  Carol also wanted to try sitting in the car which was achieved with the help of the Physio. Today, Carol visits her family and spends time with them travelling around in the car.


87-year-old Jeanette has been living at Estia Health Tuncurry for a long time. She was quite functional initially, however due to functional decline and severe low back pain Jeanette was unable to stand and walk. The mobility status of Jean was full sling hoist on fall out chair. Jean went to palliative care and was confined to bed due to severe back pain. Jean is a strong-willed person who worked hard for her living and always loved exercising. She started with restorative therapy program with the goal of walking with four-wheel walker with/without assistance. With proper intervention for pain from the GP and massage treatments, Jean’s low back pain improved and started with strengthening exercises of lower limb and back. We initially worked on standing up and taking few steps with assistance. Today, Jean can walk with a four-wheel walker without assistance. Jean also can sing and dance today during concerts and enjoys her life to the fullest.

Jean says, “I love exercising! That got me through a lot”.