Your Feedback
We value feedback on the care and services we provide. Please reach out to us using the below channels
At Estia Health, we make time to listen. Residents, families and resident representatives are welcome to speak with our team at any time.
Whether it’s a compliment, suggestion or a complaint, here are the ways you can provide feedback:
1. Speak with the Registered Nurse in charge as your first point of contact
2. Arrange to meet with the Residential Aged Care Manager of the home, either in person, by phone, or by completing the feedback forms located in the home’s reception area
3. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your discussion with the Residential Aged Care Manager, you can speak to the Regional Manager or contact our National Quality team by competing our feedback form or phone 1300 682 833.
In the event that the matter cannot be resolved directly with Estia Health, you can seek assistance from:
Advocacy services or the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
If after raising your complaint or concerns with Estia Health, you feel your feedback has not been addressed, you can contact the local advocacy group or the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission online at agedcarequality.gov.au or by calling 1800 951 822.